Monday, January 30, 2012

Phone trouble

So as I mentioned in my last post I am having issues with moving photos from my Droid to my Mac laptop.  This might sound trivial to some and earlier in my life I would have agreed but now it is a problem that I just can't overcome.  I have so much I would like to update on here, that I would even go as far as saying those who follow me will be AMAZED at all I have to share with them.  Fingers crossed that this month brings that great change for me and my sad pitiful situation.  I did change my header on my blog, cause Picnik is leaving (sad face) and I wanted to get it updated with all the kids (rugrats) before it is gone.      


Heather said...

I am so sad picnik is leaving too:(

amber said...

Shana, I deleted my fb account because it was getting to be too much, but I promise to follow your blog. Feel free to email me at and let me know your contact info. I never wrote it down before I deleted my account. Hope to hear from you soon! Amber