Monday, November 3, 2008

Aaaahhhh November!

Wow we only have 2 months left of this year. Very hard to believe. So just want to remind everyone to vote on Tuesday. You may think that what could your vote mean in the grand scheme. WELL it does. They all count. They all stand for what you believe in. That this country is so great that we all have the right to speak our minds and choose. I am not going to tell you who to vote for just to make sure you do vote. Remember you can't complain if you don't vote!

My 5 thankful things....

1.That my garden is growing,

2.That Nathan is now tall enough to reach the dishes I can't.

3.I got my DVD player in my truck.

4.My kids all went to bed on time.

5.That I get to make my voice heard and VOTE!!!!!

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